media dump

media dump

below, is a collage of media i have glued together. pieces of the world i have recently ingested, found ultimately delicious, and subsequently had an urge to share. borrowing from adrienne marie brown’s instagram meme dumps and the marginialian’s respect for others, here is my media dump:

Punctuation marks. I’ll always have a sweet spot for the dissection of language making.

Clouds. Always clouds.

Website design as theory of architecture. Website as organic, inherited, aging beings of enterprise.

Freaking wetransfer’s (the website I use to download my developed photos) got carried away one day and created a whole blog rooted in creativity called and its actually pretty cool. What the heck. Photo to the left is photographer Iris Haverkamp Begemann’s collaboration with activist Alejandra Ortiz, named I Went on a Holiday to the Country You Fled From.

Manifestos of thought. Example to the left is on appropriation, intrigued me greatly. Link to a cyberfeminist manifesto for the 21 century (“we are the future cunt”).

Jordan Bolton

A pinterest stumble; the website A wonderful collection of art and creativity inspired creations. This specific image is from an artist about calm and minimalistic comic strip making. The artist is Jordan Bolton.

Macro photography; fisheye; larger than the eyeball perspectives. Mind bending, earth bending, light bending. Was able to snatch a macro lens from Turnip, excited where I’ll go with it.

Disorientation guides. Mostly used within colleges. Guides made for everything that the academic body does not want you to know, but things that you should now; bad things, weird things, honest things. Sites used: and (this link is an archive of disorientations!!!!).

Document on how to run spaces of creatives. Interesting theories as to space, art, creativity, and inspiration points. Grows out of fungi, mathematics, and more. Need to read more in detail — but seemingly very interesting.

The future library. A forest grown for future books written on not-yet manifested paper. EEk!

Good fucking graphics. Just like well done shit. This image is by Pete Gamlen.